It's ok not to be ok

I know that it’s all messed up

You don’t feel yourself anymore

You don’t even know who you are

And that’s ok


I know that words don’t change the confusion

Our thoughts are turning dark black

And we don’t accept the bright colors

Because they want to show us that it’s all ok


I don’t want to feel like it

I want to cry, scream

I want to sit into my lonely bed

And I want to feel


Right now, I feel something

Right now, It started to rain

I somehow feel better

Because the rain is washing everything away


I’m driving this car that never stops

It represents my mind

 I try to shut it down several times

But I can’t stop it


I want to feel sad

But at the same time I don’t

Just like an unstoppable car

There’s no exit


So, I want to feel myself again

I want to stop feeling this shame

Because I thought that love was good to me

But things are never that easy


When it gets dark

I personate this character

I’m a lost astronaut

I’m silently crying and my place is far away


I look around me

And now I understand how lonely things can get

So I close my eyes

And I breathe







Author's Notes/Comments: 

I hope this helps someone out. I always write when I feel like something's wrong, so I hope there's someone in the world who will feel like what they're feeling is totally ok.

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J-9thxciv's picture

This is a very wise poem.

This is a very wise poem.


borbug's picture

this is lovely piece, well

this is lovely piece, well presented sadness and it very much

MoonDust's picture

thanks for the love!!

thanks for the love!!