begin this day with a sleeping moon
the tired sun that comes to shrug off
all the stars and darkness
naming off the cities
and their aging monuments
adding tint to tributaries,
rivers, lakes and mountainsides
cracking homes and habitats
open with a warm intrusion
as patrons wake and start renewed with a new agenda
they shovel off to work and school to keep themselves attentive
gaining money and the skills they need to help themselves succeed
casually denying all the synonyms and symptoms
of their ever-growing needs
isolated from ourselves we bellow out our grief
along the dimly lit holloways of degredated mosoleums
bearing titles such as "clubs" down the older one way streets
where bums and tricks and kids throw fits
and crackheads search for their next fix,
all the colors of the city on another foggy day
where even bright lights can't quite show us
all the details there inlay.