Untitled Love Poem

Our photos are dreams and poems – images of love

Focusing through soft light we are Mylar moments

Hoping for dawn – we dance in the stars after dusk


Tango – in the midnight ballroom of our procession

Planting our toes in stars – growing dreams in binary

Stripped bare – we are planetary – bodies in tandem


Heavenly silhouettes flowing forth from pages to be

Where wild winds whisper their sycamore secrets

And the western mountain trails are long and free


For what language is written that defines a horizon?

What delicate wings will take us there – what words?

Shall we grow guide feathers – or become zephyrean?


Sailing in and out of frames – through cameo pictures  

Across oceans – wanderlusting for the silver line of the sky

upon paintings of things to be – memories of our future


Traversing the Villanelles of night into Terza Rima days

Our eyes aperture to photograph the effigy of our hearts

These memories become the scrapbook – of love’s ways


Of dreams and poems – of moments

That we hold and hold tight

Until tomorrow is here again


Author's Notes/Comments: 

except the last stanza, this poem is a Terza Rima about love - a very traditional content. 

C03ru135c3n7's picture



Coerulescent [fka Starward]