
I dreamt of you, somewhere between awakening and slumber

Your eyes opaque in the moonlight illuminated by the shadows in my heart

I felt your heart break as distance pulled you from me, our unison in tantric, astral travelling back to our earth bonds

I saw the lines around your eyes, and the twist of your smile

searching me for truth, which I hide deep inside locked away in Pandora's box just to breathe my secret would shatter everything that is now,

I need to let you soar away free, put distance between

but I ache for something but I don't know how

To let love go, so I try to feed on the crumbs you scatter for me and in time, You will be mine.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Loves a game!

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vilmazab's picture

A very beautiful piece, sad but brings a flood of memories,
you write very well.
Thank you for dropping by.