Dieting Dreams

I want to walk in a room, proud of my curves

Is that not what every woman deserves?

Dress in a tight dress,smile at my sisters and know

They approve and understand our need for food.

Instead we calorie count, too many grams of fat, imagine that?

Diet after diet failed and doomed

This body image I have is due to the media and not to food

Magazines portray women bony and decayed

looking like they just stepped out from the grave

Surviving on diets of coffee and fags

A tic tac or two

Then go home to eat a pot full of stew.

Down on my knees head in the loo

Purging ourselves of that evil food

Obesity, such a shocking slap of a word

denying ourselves living our lives

Is just too crude

Models who get paid to look ill

Yet we fight a battle inside

The hardest one of all

self-denial and pride

Eat too much eat at least

We try and emulate bodies from magazines

Purging, bingeing, destroying ourselves

Just so we can look in the mirror

And see the body of Elle (macpherson)

Advertisers count their fortunes

Not hearing the silent screams

Of women crying desperate to be thin

Fathers who look at stick thin waifs

Mothers who eat only off saucers not plates

And children who watch and learn with their eyes

Food is the enemy, Better get wise.

So we wreck our lovely bodies for one compliment

One size 8 pair of jeans

That will lay crumpled on the floor

Next to the nachos and cheese

So sisters don't fall prey to this disease

sisters love your shape,size 6,8,10,12 or more

Don't you realize you just end up hating yourselves more?

Accept the way you are is really just divine

And women lets just try working a little on our minds.

Think about it!

Gabby xx

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This is one of my favorites, Gabster!! Glad it's found a home for the ages now!! Soooooooooooooooooooooo glad to see you here on PostPomes!!