An Early Morning Rain...

Michaels poems

An early morning rain,


With each falling drop,

our passion builds.

The darkness,

the sounds.. the smell,

so intoxicating.

A morn for lovers,

a time for us.

In my arms.. your warmth,

our bodies one.

Together.. so close,

our souls embrace.

Two hearts beat as one,

uniting with each drop of rain.

Creating our song,

heard in the highest heavens,

true  loves melody.

In each others arms,

always.. forevermore.

To feel.. to love.. to just be.

a gift.. a treasure beyond imagination.

Sharing the beauty that is...

this early morning rain,

two bodies,

two hearts,

two souls,


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This is utterly magnificent, a beautiful, chastely erotic, poem, demonstrating great verbal talent.

J9thxciv [J9th94]