

I find it ironic 

that Facebook calls 

new updates "feeds".


Isn't that just 

what it is?


Something to feed us

when we are 

lonely or bored or sad.


We scroll the page

looking for something

to cheer us up.


But often what we see

only aggravates

our condition.


Every morning

as soon as I wake up,

I check to see

my Facebook "memories".


Then I put my face

in my hands 

when I see how 

pathetic past me was.


But have I even changed?


Sometimes I'm not

too far off that girl

that drowned in self-pity.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by: "Beloved" by Switchfoot

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lyrycsyntyme's picture

Interesting reflection on a sliver of your existance

..which is trying to drive itself into the center of your life. Yet, I somehow doubt you're most meaningful memories are stored on facebook. Additionally, if we recognize our chosen words of yesterday as less mature than we wish they were, then we're doing something right - growing : )  All the best to you.