
On the one hand,

I am a confident, 

vivacious person.


But sometimes, 

something takes over me,

an identity that 

feels foreign.


I can become

filled with rage 

or too depressed

to get out of bed.


I am consumed with 

chronic anxiety and

suicidal thoughts.


I forget who I am,

the happy girl I once was;

it becomes

a distant memory.


Then after a while,

the depression lifts

like a fog dissipating.


And my former self returns

like an old friend

unsure of what brought on

this dark period.

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saiom's picture

    May you never again



May you never again experience suicidal thoughts...

not everyone realizes that the adrenaline secreted by terrorized animals as they are butchered remains in the flesh...and much of it survives cooking..

a lot of vegans report they are no longer depressed since making a dietary change

Forgive my propaganda






Pungus's picture



peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not