My First Love

I was in class five,

When I fell in love with a girl,

So beautiful she was, so charming,

I would just look at her and in the dreamy world dive.


Something was hypnotic about her,

That kept me dragging,

But the villains had their presence too and kept trying,

To stop me from winning her heart and being the winner.


Perhaps she knew about my feelings for her,

Perhaps not,

Yet so happy I was to attend the classes to see her once,

Honestly speaking no matter how enjoyable or boring the classes were!


Each night I would be Hamlet and like Macbeth would decide,

That the next day I would talk to her,

Even though I didn’t have anything important to say,

Still I wanted to listen to her voice aside.


As is seen in films the giant-like villain appeared,

Threatening me to avoid her from then on,

Very thin I was but not a coward,

I hit him, his left eye changed colour and became red!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

In the 13th line, Hamlet is the symbol of 'indecision' and 'confusion'; he thinks much before doing something. Whereas, Macbeth's personality is just the opposite; he has the ability to take decision quickly and act accordingly. The speaker in the poem has the characteristics of both Hamlet and Macbeth in him.

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Jesster's picture

I enjoyed reading this one

I enjoyed reading this one last night. Made me think of my own 5th grade crushes. Lol. I always liked them more than they liked me. 

Copyright © JessterStarshine

KingofWords's picture

Thank you

Thank you so much my friend. Yes, I'm the person in the poem and I did hit that boy. I don't know why, the thought just appeared in my mind and I decided to write about it. I have just written a poem dedicating you titled “Healing Woman”. I hope you'll have a read. Here this is-