Can you smell the fragrance of love in the air?
It like the presence of Aphrodite and Eros is just there,
Escape from it is not achievable,
Since it will bathe you with the smell.
Love is life, the unseen spirit,
That akin to Salim and Anarkali almost everyone tries to meet,
Fortunate they are who have the bliss,
Of love in their hearts, as a niche.
If love is a country then the lovers its citizens,
Where the fragrance of love makes all the difference,
The nonsense gain sense and the ordered ones seem foolish,
This is the magic of love opening the doors of change, coolish.
It is love that binds us all with one heart,
The way the universe hates to let things fall apart,
As Shah Jahan and Mumtaz’s love does indicate its omnipresence!
Lovers reach it no matter how near they are, whatever the distance.
Love cannot truly be defined,
Neither can it be translated,
It can only be felt as did Layla and Majnun,
Love was, is and will love be even if different is the dawn!
I love love! Beautiful.
I love love! Beautiful.
Copyright © JessterStarshine
Thank You Very Much
Thank you so very much for the lovely comment.
I certainly can.
I can smell and feel the love in the air. So many of my friends are making matches! It's so cute. (^_^) Good job.
Thank You
Thank you so much.