Aimless Kite! [Nursery Rhyme]

A kite is flying,

In the sky being lonely,

It touches the cloud,

It flies aimlessly.


Where will that kite go?

Will it ever come back?

May be it will,

May be it will be out of track!


The lost kite flies and flies,


Perhaps it will touch the skies!

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The Broken Stringed Kite

It flies on winds only dreams create

and grows smaller as it rises

to touch air not this close to earth

since last Fall.


It was a favorite kite, beloved

by children of every age as

it dipped and turned

like a mad iceskater

on iceless routines leaping

and destined eventually

to land.


The tug is perfect until

a wind sweeps in and grabs

the tail to snap pull

and dance too fast for hands

to reel in or strings to



Now, the kite sings on air

alone and without an anchor,

the tail free to do as it elects,

the kite a small reminder

that keeping is a part

of losing.


Stella L. Crews






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Absolutely wonderful dear Allets! I'm simply spellbound. :)