we all have one thing in common
we will work for food
but will we work well?
so let's not abuse that knowledge
starved souls
starve bodies
thinking they'll starve
the problem
such I enter
as exhibit one million
and seven that
peace, oh peace,
is just an illusion
how ever beautiful
it is only real internal
and in the virgin forest
between us - friction
our borders, personal,
regional, national,
continental and
how ever contractually international
are all sandpaper
we must learn how to hone it
move our hands as in that love scene
between two clay sculptors
and be good carpenters
Another majorly beautiful
Another majorly beautiful poem . . . but that phrase, "the virginal forest / between us" is, for being only five words, one of the finest phrases I have ever read in poetry, and I have been reading poetry since Spring, 1973, so I have some crediility in my response to excellent lines. Wow!
Thank you very much. That
Thank you very much. That line did not initially come to me. I felt there was something more I wanted to add to convey meaning, but couldn't put a finger on it or find the words. But (as often happens when I write), immediately after posting it and reviewing the copy, it came to me. It felt right, instantly, so I am happy to find those words well-received by you.