Memories of you
Coming in
Man O War on a tide
Or Red Tide here where I breathe
I'm just a buoy
Free as a buoy
To escape
But as real as any human
To feel the sting
Beneath the skin, in my chest
From each and every one
Around me
That reaches out
I can't see anything from Horizon
Until the shoreline
But all of these painful memories
And I'm just a buoy
Free as a buoy
To escape
Free as a buoy
To fly away
Or even just drown in it all
As memories of you come in
Man O War on the tide
A tide unsatisfied to have touched the coast
And return to where it's been,
For so long
It's renewed it's old home
Surrounding a buoy
Shaped like a man
Unsatisfied tide
Agreement - entire tone and scope of a friend gone like a tide that is "returned to where it's been." A beautiful image merged to the leave-taking. Oneness attained in a finely sculpted emotion. My favorite line too - or did you guess that? Enjoyed this sea chant. ~S~
Free as a buoy
A tide unsatisfied to have touched the coast
And return to where it's been
love this line. great images.
Thank you!
Thank you!