
I've got my god, i've got my gun                                   
I've got my flag, i've got my truck


Jeans filled to the brim
With alcohol
I've got my
Pop-country song


So generic                                                         
I'm austeric
When about original thought


Writing 4 minute commercials
Between advertisements
That's why my contract was wrought


Truck sales on the rise                                               
And alcohol
Check out my
Pop-country song


Hey, in case you don't believe me - check my instagram feed, baby         
Now don't trust the rumors I'm leaving - truck towards the big city


Look, I've got my church, i've got my barn                                 
Cowboy hat tilted towards the sun


Country girl cut outs
But most of all
I've got my
I've got my


I've got my god, i've got my gun
I've got my flag, i've got my truck


Hook filled till the brim
With alcohol
I've got my
Pop-country song


I've got my
I've got my
Pop-country song


So generic                                                          
I'm austeric
When about original thought

Writing 4 minute commercials
With the right look to sell them
That's why my contract was wrought


They've got you on the same formula
As decides which Hip Hop songs will be popular
What can you sell for the big machine, and be dull
In Country, it's trucks, jeans, alcohol
Oh, name the music, it's always wash down your woes
And, in pop Country, don't forget about inviting
Young folk to be military fodder
Like pop Hip Hop and lovin' inner city violence


Repeat and rinse
Rockin' denim jeans
Repeat and rinse
Rockin' denim jeans
Repeat and rinse
Generic country scenes
Repeat and rinse
Repeat and rinse
Repeat and rinse top forty hits
It's all commercials, even when commercial free..

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I rarely explain my writing, but I feel compelled to at least explain the orgins of this one. Having lived in both densely urban and quite sparse rural areas, one thing that has struck me is how different (and superior) people perceive their popular music, and it's messages. I don't find that to be nearly so true. To me, actually, the formula seems to follow the same (shallow) core tenets, and same ultimate motives. This is written from the country - and Country - setting, being my more recent experience.

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Co3ru135c3n7's picture

This is one of the most

This is one of the most interesting poems I have read today!  Really enjoyed it.

Coerulescent [fka Starward]

lyrycsyntyme's picture

Thank you, sir. I appreciate

Thank you, sir. I appreciate the read and the compliments, both: )