Something Magical...

Something magical,

you and me,

under the stars,

i could see,

your beautiful eyes,

shining like saphires,

by the heavens,

sprinkled alittle magic onto,

because they realized,

what i realize,

you are special.

that night,

something mystical,

that smile,

automatically took my breathe away,

i cant explain it,

how you gently moved the hair from my face,

and stared your bright eyes into mine,

in the darkness of the night,

how can it be possible?

i ask over and over,

how somebody like you,

can turn into the most beautiful boy ive ever seen,

ever felt,

ever imagined,

and how you can feel the same way for me,

is something magical.....

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Hello Lauren, out of the ones you wrote, I really liked this one. I can tell you really adore a certain individual, and that really shows in your writing. So I compliment you. This is one amazing piece of writing. Good Luck on future pieces, you will go far!