Trying To Let Go

My exclusive

Gotta pretend this all doesn't hurt and maybe someday it will actually work. 

People always just do what they want, no matter if you're able to  catch them or not. 
Is it worth all the worry and pain? Always ending up in constant disdain. 
I like to hope the lies you tell, will catch up with you in the end as well. 
Though this hope doesn't cure any pain, I'm pretty sure it shall always remain. 
No matter what it is that you do, I fear I'll never completely trust you. 
Why do I think  I see through all your words? There's just no way for me to be sure. 
There will always be that irrational fear that you will sneak around not making it clear. 
You tell me one thing but do another, I'm not sure if this time I can recover. 
This heart has been broken one too many times. It's been told one too many lies.
I try and put things in the back of my head, keep replaying the things that you always said. 
I'm just your rebound, there's no reason to stay true. You could be just waiting and I know for who. 
Why even hurt me and waste both of our time, when you might cheat and continue to  lie. 
I'm just here to fill the space, you have her on the side just in case. 
Maybe your waiting to see if things could be different, but why did you choose to drag my heart into it?
Author's Notes/Comments: 

If I ignore it then it can't hurt me. 

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Irockpoker's picture

great words

unfortunately real life has a good way of putting its self down on paper.... it will only make u stronger in the end... stay strong and know there are friends out there to keep ur head up high... ur better than that girl... ur one of a kind.
