she paced around the room feeling weak and sad
"i can't even remember how i got so fucking mad"
she carried on like this till she saw the sunrise break
"maybe it's not so bad and i should put more into take"
she smiled and ran round about
"i'm so happy i could shout"
she wiggled ans squirmed and hooted in joy
"all i need is a perfect boy"
at once again she saddned deep
"nobody wants me i'm just a creep"
thinking of creeps she waled to bed
"i need to rest my sad sorry head"
she fell asleep and dreemed of hell
"perhaps when i wake it will all be well"
she turned and tossed in her sleep and cried several times
"i just could not help it i was dreaming of mimes!"
she then grew a smile, one that never did fade
"my thoughts are so clear i got my life made"
her life was set and she found true love
"believe you can do it with the power from above"