Fake smiles and grins,
Don't joke, don't laugh,
Don't tease or play,
Unless it's time for a show,
Fake smiles, fake grins,
Like puppets it's a show,
Pull my strings, make me grin,
Pull my strings I'll put on your show,
Pull my strings, I'll smile for now.
Pull my strings it makes you feel so strong.
Pull my strings, you've won again,
Pull my strings, make me cry again,
Like a puppet you'll see,
This smile is fake,
Look in my eyes you'll see
Like a puppet I'm dead,
Fuck this life and fuck this show,
Pull my strings and away we'll go.
Author's Notes/Comments:
It's nothing great, just venting.
A Gift of Sissors
Clip all strings that force conformity, live free and move by your own will - it's the only way to fly - without a net. Vent on! ~Star~
Gift accepted.
I'm working on it :) The first step is realization...