I asked an artist about love…she smiled then answered most colorfully:
When my heart is loved…and loves another…I find perfect symmetry.
I asked a musician the same question…he sang his answer out to me:
When my heart is loved…and loves another…I find perfect harmony.
A writer said, as she was about to pen some prose…or was it poetry?
When my heart is loved…and loves another…the words flow naturally.
A philosopher told me when I asked if he knew where love could be found.
When my heart is loved…and loves another…I see it all around.
And they were right, for those times in my life I thought I was on my own
when my heart was loved…and loved another…I never felt alone.
And when I thought I didn’t have enough and wished I could have more
I realized:
When my heart is loved…and loves another…I never will be poor.
Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here…one we all should heed:
When our heart is loved and loves another…we have everything we need.
It’s in our paintings…in our music…in our prose…and in our poetry…
handed down by artists, musicians, writers, philosophers…
and today…with a little push from me.
Good poem.
Good poem.
J-9thxciv [ J 9th 94 ]