.10.. the crutch


hanging on

this target of doom

looming beacon of light

from the gloom

greeting me

like the friend it pretends

to be and is not

oh that i break free from it's grasp

dare i cast away this friend

who has ever been with me

from the beginning

of whatever time i have now

lo if i soon shall pass

this friend shall remain

some small legacy to my life

ah... there was his crutch

they shall say... his downfall

casting their dispersions

but what other legacy

shall i have

stepping out on my own

and then passing...

shall leave me with naught

oh look!  they'll say then...

he is gone.

but where are his chains

what a shame

he left nothing behind

oh that........... what was his name?

i don't recall...

but had that crutch just remained

they would remember it all

but why shall i care

it won't matter when the life

has gone from my breast

soon enough that friend shall desert me

like all the rest

but this one is silent

waiting, for me


do i dare to leave you dear friend

do i dare

to turn off that switch

that binds us

do i have the courage

to live every moment for my own

i shall give this question my time

all my time from now on

perhaps, my friend

if we could just chat for a while

you can help me to decide

what to do with you

and i'm just a bit lonely

all the rest of them left me

oh crutch

i hope you won't do that to me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I turned on the light and wrote this one last night  around midnight.I didn't think it was any good or made any sense and was going to throw it away.There always seems to be one of these, or a few of them... lurking.

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Kimberly Freer's picture

I my friend...however..will never leave or forget you. John, you touch people more than you know.Your poem can teach us all a lesson. We all have a crutch in life, we cling to something for comfort and there is nothing wrong with that,as long as we don't lose focus on the real picture, and the crutch does not take us over.. love, your friend forever......Kim