..4.. for her breath


she came from the north

from the cold winds that blow

from the depths of my soul

calming, freeing, warming me

grasping my heart in her breath

to never let me go though I cry out

from long lost pains and miseries

she has come to love me

and for me to love her

craving her whims and her wishes

though she says them not with her voice

i have longed for this woman

for longer than i can remember

becoming ever stronger

and now she is here

for me to love and cherish and obey

i kiss her feet with my lips

drink her wine for my life

my only wish is that she

is as happy as i am


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Gracey Taylor's picture

This is lovely, John ... you have a sweet way with words.

Lorraine Reutter's picture

John ...once again a very sensual and luring poem...."I kiss her feet with my lips" drink her wine for my life! ...very very beautifully written ...from the pen of a gifted artist ...thankyou once again, Lorraine

Teresa Jacobs's picture

I only wish I had a man with such devotion as you do for your woman. Beautiful poem. Very beautiful. You have done a good job of showing your effections for this person without sounding mushy. Thanks for sharing.

Kimberly Freer's picture

John, lovely....touching my soul...you are always with me...feeling you now...my friend...love...ladycroft KF

Erin Schultz's picture

Absolutely beautiful. There isn't much more that I can say. Just... very well done.

hardgal's picture

very nice indeed, warm, touching and erotic...

Joyce James

Doris J. Rhodes's picture

As always John, you touch my soul. I feel as if the poem was written for me. I feel the love, the warmth, and above all the desire. Keep up the good work. There is so much love in your heart to give, write it, tell the world. Love Doris

Jeanne Parsons's picture

John this poem is very good, I enjoy great work of the mind, You have it mastered sir... Looking forward to more.. Jeanne