..1.. song of my tears



away i go
to that beauty and love that awaits me
oh beauty and love... that i long for
in some distant far away land


oh alas when i find them
that again they shall hurt me
ever more... than before
oh this beauty and love that i long for


oh please fill my heart
with all that i search for
take me away from this emptyness
from this beauty and love somewhere here


that pulls me in... for the pain that it gives
oh not too much... please... yet this is all that i yearn for
this pain that i have no choice but to bear
deeper and higher than before


please fill my heart... from this emptiness
take me away to that far distant land
oh beauty and love... that i long for
away... away... far away i do go


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greenmeadow's picture

There is simplicity in beauty indeed! I like the songful tune of your writings. Deep and meaningful behind their simplicities.

"Did not our heart burn within us?" ~Luke 24:32

teresa_r's picture

Hi John
I can so relate to this Poem I
have read some of your poems they are beautiful.

Lorraine Reutter's picture

John a very beautiful, emotion filled poem that lures one into reading more ....thankyou for sharing, Lorraine

ivy_lights's picture

And we all yearn for "bliss" without "heartache", is it possible?

ivy_lights's picture

I love this poem. There is such yearning in it, and pain... Yet love and compassion. This is beautiful, John! And thank you so much for leaving that comment in my guestbook, it really made me smile. ^_^

Teresa Jacobs's picture

I will take you there, to the land of beauty, a far away land, just put your hand into mine and I will take you there. Miles may seperate us and keep our bodies apart, but the miles can not our hearts. Beautiful poem. Very romantic. I like you poetry. I wish you would post more. I can't wait to read more. Teresa

mizzscarlett's picture

This one almost made me cry, because I once felt that way, too. Wonderful show of emotion in poetry! :-)

Misty Lackey's picture

a beautiful journey to a poem of words. this poem reminded me of robert frost, you have a good way with words, keep it up!