
Margaret Marr

My Portfolio
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North Carolina

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I love to read, write poetry, short romantic stories, and paranormal novels. I love swimming, fishing (especially in the dark), camping and standing outside on a cold winter night looking at the sky.

As a child, Margaret Marr encountered her first and only ghost, and she imagines he was a slave killed during the Civil War by a bayonet she unearthed in her backyard. His spirit forever walks the same path, determined strides going from one end of the room to the next, passing through the wall into whatever otherworldly realm he may encounter next.

A great love and curiosity for the spooky and unexplained led Margaret to writing paranormal stories laced with romance, mystery, and horror. She especially loves cemeteries and is fascinated by one in her hometown where most of the gravestones are marked with unknown occupants and entire families were wiped out in one day.

Margaret's published works include, THOSE WHO WALK AMONG US, MOON OF LITTLE WINTER (rated a rare 10 by Romance Reviews Today), THE GHOSTS OF DAEMON YARBOROUGH, and WINGS OF THUNDER. She's also compiled an anthology of soldier stories, VOICE OF A SOLDIER, and all proceeds go to benefit Wounded Warriors& Operation First Response. And last, but not least, a collection of poetry, PIECES OF MY HEART. DARK SECRETS OF THE HEART, is available now from SynergEbooks.

Margaret is a staff writer for Nights and Weekends, a popular e-zine filled with reviews of books, movies, games, music, columns, and humor, so you don't have to spend another weekend brushing your dogs teeth for lack of something better to do.

Future plans include traveling around the USA visiting haunted houses and cemeteries, building a log cabin in the woods with the love of her life (Hi David!! Love you, Baby!), and settling down to something normal to become the next mega-seller in the competitive world of books.

About My Navel

Give me a graveyard, a castle, an old three-story house to explore and I'm a happy girl!

I'd love to visit the Carpathian Mountains, Australia, Ancient Egypt, Ireland, Haunted castles of England and Greenland.

Want to know more about me?? Go to http://margaretmarr.bravehost.com/aboutme.html

Thanks much!

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things that you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~Mark Twain~


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23 years 42 weeks