
Swami Vivekananda spoke

“All truth is eternal. Truth is nobody’s property;

No race, No individual can lay any exclusive claim to it.

Truth is the nature of all souls.”

If you think, God is yours.

The truth is God is ours.

As we, all are His.

If you think, God punishes.

The truth is, false.

As we, know God loves.

If you think, God is just a name.

The truth is in oratorio.

As we speak in multiple tongues.

If you think, God is fair.

Sure, the truth is in Rainbow Colours.

We experience, just, seen, open eyes.

God is Truth, not property, tucked away in vaults.

Right to know the truth is everyone’s.

Words of Swami Vivekananda once again repeat.

“Truth cures, even when, like the surgeons knife, it hurts”

By above quote expresses Han Suyin her practical notes. However, some may feel hurt that impartial God to all belongs. Forcing impositions fear and threats will bring in no results. Limber up with truth of love, fruit bears, conquer win over universe.

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saiom's picture

Dear Jayati,

I love Vivekananda.. thank you for igniting
his light. Your pen must be very happy to
transmit your soul.

I have not read more than a few chapters of The Gospel
of Sri Ramakrishna by M who wrote of Vivekananda's

but I want to know it all

Baba says Ramakrishna was so sensitive he would
not walk on grass

Ramakrishna had a vision of pink flamingos in flight
their wings like script against the grey sky


I mention this link because some teachers say
Bengal should go beyond fish consumption.



Sandeep  N S's picture

Perfectly said.Nothing much to add here.Thats the case with truth.Its pure freedom.Free of wordly restrictions and mental manipulations.Knows no impediments,Vast like the sky.
Yes,truth is your very being.And one has to only look,what seperates me now?....Why can't i be with this truth....Just ask these questions......though look silly,but its worth if u can finnaly find your-self.Though look very intelligent,its not so.....its just finding yourself:)
Hence we can conclude like this,Truth is neither new or old,Truth is just now.
Who wants to see,can see....Cus we all have the eyes to.

Your work is profound,ur thinking deserves applause.
Write more

hhickson's picture

Truth lies in ones perception. It is their truth as they perceive it until their truth is proved false. I too believe in one God for all and tho we practice our rituals differently, there is still one God that I am sure is amused by all the different practices and rituals. I too am sure that it displeases him to no end when one group or another claims to the THE TRUE RELIGION. I admire the muslims adherance to their faith and their practice, but not their intolerance of other faiths (practices/rituals). Good write that provokes many to thought. Hugs and Peace my friend.


Shashi Krishna's picture

Great piece of work here. Philosophical yet so true. But in my current state....my mind agrees but the heart disagrees. An excellent write nonetheless. Thanks for sharing.


Ruth Lovejoy's picture

I quite often read your pieces but a lot I don't understand. I do find this one outstanding .It really touched a nerve in me. I like reading about different philosophies, so have read about Islam,and various christian sects as well. I do not follow organized religon but do believe in God. I call God my higher source,the eye in the sky if you will..