At The Death Of Joseph The Carpenter

[for Lady Rae]


In Nazareth, just last month, Joseph died.
I met his eldest son, the other day,
and offered my condolence.  Jesus cried.
He said to me, "I miss him very much.
"He taught me, gladly, everything he knew;
"and even what, in this world, not to do.
"He had an artist's studied skill, and such
"abounding patience with me when I tried
"each tool and type of wood.  He liked repair
"the best of all---and we went everywhere
"together on his route through Galilee,
"to fix things:  plow and yoke, table and chair.
"The work was sometimes hard, but in his way
"he made it pleasant, even fun, for me.
"And, though his life and flesh have passed in death,
"he will be raised up to eternity,
"and he shall enter in the Heavenly---
"his grave will not have final victory."


And this week, Jesus, leaving Nazareth,
had set forth on a spiritual ministry.



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yellowspecks's picture

wonderful job on this one, the dedication is appreciated. Great story. Rae