+ 2ND POEMS: The Joy Of Those That Were Called Strangers

". . . strangers of Rome . . . proselytes."
---Acts 2:10


How privileged, therefore humbling, to receive
these documents that help us to believe
the more profoundly in the Lord's Good News.
Somewhere between the Romans and the Jews,
we found ourselves; and, called Gate Proselytes
(among the latter, while the formers' slights
were somewhat more insidious), we crossed
the sea and traveled to Jerusalem
to worship, in our way, on Pentecost.
The followers of Jesus Christ were there
also; the Holy Ghost came upon them.
Then they spoke, in our languages, to share
the glorious faith that they would someday bear
to all the world.  Hence, we now have Matthew's
account of Christ; then Paul's Epistle from
Corinth, sometime before he planned to come
to Rome.  Then, in those days when Timothy
(who had been cast in prison suddenly)
was soon to have regained his liberty,
we were blessed to receive another letter
(that demonstrated how we have a better
promise and covenant, a better hope)
composed to help some of our brethren cope
with thoughts that backslide.  Thus, upon these scrolls
we have assembled words to comfort our brethren's souls.



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Afzal Shauq's picture

a deep way written sweet poem is this one and I agree with your great and positive idea..well done

C03ru135c3n7's picture

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