At The Cliff Above Potter's Field

I loved you then.  Now you are far away,
a woman---but not long ago a girl.
The dire events of this, my darkest day,
surround me like a storming, hailing whirl
of shadows.  Reimbursed by my own guile,
my self-spun web of wrong, I cringe in fear:
so far gone that the thought of your shy smile
brings me no comfort.  Nothing can.  Not here.

Not now.  Thank God you are in Galilee;
and what we had, safe in your memory.
I have no future, and I cannot cope
with past or present now.  Please think of me
sometimes.  I loved you, then.  And Him.  My hope
is gone.  What I have left is just this rope.

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You're beautiful in mind! (for that's all I see ofyou, is beauty)