Epistle To Atthis

Atthis---I have found new love that is not like yours:
hers is curvacious; therefore, not capricious;
not bifurcated (she will not lie down with whores),
nor willing to abandon me with any slight.
No!, hers is salutary, giving, not malicious.
And I need not wake in, nor wish an end to, any night.

Her modesty is balm; she is not some proud fool.
She does not seek the crowd's attention, or acclaim.
Her beauty far surpasses yours, and yours is cruel---
much like a storm, a plague, a famine, or a blight.
She never says my poems raise her contempt or shame.
And I need not wake in, nor wish an end to, any night.

You made my life a desert.  She has raised new springs
of cool, pure water, and the waste land comes to flower.
You drove my poems to silence:  for her, each one sings.
Nor does she play bored games with me as pawn in plight.
Her least glance strips you, Atthis, of your morbid power,
and I need not wake, nor wish an end, to any night.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

After Ernest Dowson's poem, "Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae."

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yellowspecks's picture

This was even better on the 2nd read. It fits well with the series. Rae

Judy Costea's picture

Yhis Poem is very beautiful... It shows how he found a love that treats him with respect and loves him for what he is and not what he can change to please her...
And I love this verse....(And I need not wake to, wish for, or worship in false dawn.) This new love he found is spiritual healthy.... as is this poem...
Thank you for sharing this with me...
Peace and Love..

yellowspecks's picture

This one is a great fit in this series, even as it compares great love to a lesser love it is beautifuly describing how true love should be.

"And I need not wake in, nor wish an end to, that long night."
This line is beautiful, and its use here perfect. Rae