At The Outskirts Of Caesarea

I tell you this about that Jesus, whom we crucified
(yes, I was on the execution team):
he was not like the many men that we have killed that way---
he did not plead with us, or curse, or scream.

We beat him almost to the death with scourges, as the blood
and sweat poured off him in a steady stream.
We put our back and arms into it, but he ruined our fun:
because, for all we tried, he did not scream.

Then Pilate gave in to those priests, and sent our orders down.
Grinning like apes, we laid the new-cut beam
upon his shoulders, bleeding like raw meat.  We led him off:
but, on that long, slow march, he did not scream.

When we arrived on Calvary, I drove the nails, myself
into his flesh.  They said I had a gleam
upon my eyes as if I had gone crazy from the heat.
He looked right back at me, but did not scream.

He died too quickly.   Later, Mark told me he was God's Son,
a sacrificial lamb sent to redeem . . .
someone. (Lately, Mark has abandoned all of Rome's fine gods.)
But I still wonder why he did not scream

at all.  I have retired since then, but I do not sleep well.
Each night is haunted by the same bad dream---
deep shadows; fire that burns me, but does not destroy or kill.


And all I hear is my own endless scream.

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I can never read about the death of Jesus without tears, knowing what his mother went through and you know even God as almighty and powerful as he is, it had to have hurt him so bad to give his son like he did. This is such a beautiful piece of that passage and time. To know all Jesus suffered and not one bad word did he utter. but asked his father to forgive them.. That is pure love...
Great write.
Peace and Love