At Ephesus, 4

He likes to see me shoeless in these hose
(for that is what they call them now in Rome):
silk sheathes, cut to my legs' shape; at the thigh

opened and held with ribbons (that part my
whole robe conceals beneath its floor-length hem;
something that those in Mytilene condemn);

translucent like dawn's mist, or spring rain's foam,
right down to where they close around my toes
(the strands, there, woven doubly to prevent
stray snag, or run, or some such accident).

He had them brought here from a distant land---
a place called Cos.  I never had so fine
a gift in fourteen years.  Shoeless, on sand,
I wore them---making Eutychus all mine.
In Christ, our matrimony brings us bliss
in many ways for our content---like this.

Saved and reborn alive in Christ, we care          
nothing for this lost world's stringent opinion;
for we are Christ's, and thus no longer bear
the spiritual slavery of sin's sour dominion.
And, with my faith secure, in Christ, above,
I have the chaste delights of licit love.

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Judy Costea's picture

What beautiful pieces, all 4 of them have such a powerful effects. If one gets offended by the terms used in these, Then they have that choice to leave or leave a comment. do not you feel like you have to redo any of this to keep from offending. this is your work and it is part of what poetry is all about. I cheer you on for doing such powerful writing.
Peace and Love

Marcia Ellen "Happy" Beevre's picture

Wondrously written, Jere!! Highly descriptive and truly enjoyable!! Nice li'l piece of writing!! :)