The junction

Here I see the junction so near,

Where the road takes many turns,

The journey would no more be together,I know,

Makes parting the need of the time.


I wished it were a nightmare,

For I am unable to accept the truth,

Which stares me with a million eyes,

And I can't see anything in it but sadism.


My hands have become so heavy,

That I am unable to wave and say' Bye',

And the saliva has turned into a glue,

That cemented my tongue to the jaw.


You are indeed a friend in need,

Second to none in knowledge and wisdom.

Daring,caring,frank and decent,

Having views as clear as dew.

May the heaven be with you ever,

Keeping you in its eternal bliss,

Guarding you off the evil spirits.


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Fabulous Imagge

"...Makes parting the need of the time..." I go far to find a line like this one - so beautiful it is painful. Well said, well felt. The title breathes through this line. ~allets~
