
Sad when you prefer the lonely roads far from home

The road will bend but not by your will or force

It won't contort how you tell it to

Shape because you, a tyrant, demand it

To be as unyielding and intransigent as this winding path

I wish to be as hard to persuade

with concrete will paved in versatility

So weary from bending at your will and loving you 

Gingerly I admonish nothing is changeless

My spine aches, a sickle-shape

My love, I bow no more






Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by not_an_addict's poem, Fever. 

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not_an_addict's picture

Blown away

What a talent. I love to read your work because your emotions come from such a deep place. I can read this and know nothing of your situation, but relate to it completley. I felt stronger for reading this . PS-I read this as you being unbendable ;) X

please read my poems, and enjoy the real-life drama that is my life!

Incompl's picture

Thank you

Thank you so much! You have no idea how much your words means to me. I am most definitely hard headed :)

Let your teeth show

deepinyourdreams's picture

Nice write, Miss Bendable'

Nice write, Miss Bendable'
