Spinning in circles and moving outward
Out in circles which are concentric
Like a pebble dropped in water
Exhibiting behavior untoward
Displaying yourself so eccentric
Showing age when your mind saunters
Your imagination is integral
To your trite and twined personality
Tiring at times and confusing
Your mind is ordered psuedotripteral
Sweet indeed but infrastructure-free
Frustrating but worth perusing
Your specialty must be herniating
You rupture hearts and leave protruding
Through them epic, ruinous hang-ups
And when you sense patience dissipating
You run and leave the poor sap to undoing
Once isotonic eyes, erupt
Then you blame it on the citizenry
Two of specifically unkind stock
Self-justification kills others
Apologetically you smile and primly
Explain the circumstances ad hoc
Slowly and surely you smother
Tragically, you murder men and more
By the time you're done they have no want
To live for pain any longer
Deep larghetto incisions made before
Death, poor saps looking ever so gaunt
Lack of love leaves gaps and hunger
Death's coming and time is of the essence
Death comes softly when words are uttered
Death has arrived, with love, from you
A heart breaks in quiet acquiescence
A heart expiring shakes and shutters
A heart turns carrion, imbued
lol too many big words.. I stopped reading after I hit psuedotripteral.. lol..