Laid to rest,
All dust and bones
Speaking out the words
Everyone wants to hear
But inside me i'm all dead
If you can understand what's in me
Speak out and give me a clue
Because it was never about me,
It was always about you
Laid besides me,
Broken dreams I cannot count
Like the stars in the darkest night
Like the sun in the cirppling dust,
Come here and tell me
How to start living
Because I never believed in one
I always wanted it to be two
I know I want to sleep and forget,
But man I can't just close my eyes
I can't pretend I don't hear their cries
Because now I see the dawn
I want to start living,
I just need someone to breathe life into me
Come on and tell me I'm more than what I think I am
The one good thing about
The one good thing about reaching your bottom is that first of know where it is. Some people live their entire lives never daring to go there. The second thingngood about it is that the only place left to is up. And the third thing good about it is that YOU are the master architect. I was the same way once ...most difficult part was keeping faith in myself in a world where I felt I had to endlessly prove myself to people. Eventually I lost that feeling but I allowed it to drain me for years....YEARS. so glad it's over.
This hit home for me. Loved it.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
Nice but a mite despondent Dear GR
Nice but with a shade of despondency Dear GR.I wite a few lines to you to enliven you to brighter thoughts :
Better Penning
Better lay down awhile
Than spent in wanton guile
Beckoning mundane,dreary work
Trudging in the gooey dark muck
Is this what we call living ?
How about joy with some penning
Wondrous lure of the pen
Writing again and again
Tormenting readers with disaster
Oh pen ! let you be the master !
Well, I know you are more
Well, I know you are more than you think you are...
Copyright © JessterStarshine