This is my truth. But, as I write, the story no longer becomes new and,
therefore, is no longer completely true, because there is always a new
detail to add, a new scar to bear, and a new spirit to capture. And, as I
write this, I form new thoughts which beget new spirits which give way
to new perspectives. So then, I believe I can resolutely state that I was
not the woman I was a few sentences ago. I have been made anew.
For every second that passes, I am being modeled into a way of thought
in which I believe is my truth. So, if truth is consistently changing, does
it no longer exist? Is there no truth? Or, is every truth meant to be
disproven, rediscovered, re-pondered, re-felt, and remade? Am I my truth,
and in that case, do I not exist? Maybe, I am a truth: just a thought,
just an opinion meant to be changed, just a person left to be rearranged.
We are all truth, and truth is us. And, if I’m truth and you’re truth,
I am you.
i am you
this ended beautifully. oh jeez. are there different brands of nihilism then? i tend to group nihilism and solipsism together. but what am i even saying? isn't every philosophy just a different expression of the same truth? no that's not right.. how can one differentiate nihilism from any other form of transcendental theology? isn't the end goal here Nothing, with a capital N? can one be a christian nihilist? how about a solopsistic muhammedan?
hahah i've always thought
hahah i've always thought that nihilism was supposed to be a subdivision of extentisialism... both being under the umbrella of metaphysics
T. S. was definitely a very famous existentialist that wrote quite extensively with the philophies of nihilism. I think you can be a christian nihilist... finding it impossible to find beauty and worth in this world of materialism and the temporary.... but there is a entirely different world that exists right... heavan, God... a christian nihilist could just not be satisfied in his current world... needing to rejoin a world with true diving meaning
thank you for reading and especially for your comments ^_^
This is aptly namd---because
This is aptly namd---because the slight ponder of nihilism is pulverized by the surge of joyous logic as your soul dances through its consideration of these aspects of truth. Beginning with a sense of philosophy, the poem ends in an explosion of celebratory poetry. This one is one of your centerpieces.
J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]
Thank you so much! :) This is
Thank you so much! :) This is one of my favorites just because it was oh so fun to write ^_^
This has
kept my mind working around the clock to consider every facet and possible outcome...Lady A sums it up very well indeed...Such a deep thought. I have read, re- read....and returned back to re-read this poem several times. I am not certain of the outcome, but what is certain is that the mind work that went into this is one of the most impressive pieces in your collection to date. Fantastic writing
Thank you, William! :D
Thank you, William! :D