Nothing to Me

The Wanderer

You are nothing to me

Perverse and guilty

Of shame and pity


You are unwinding

Always chasing, never finding

Desires wanting, love never binding


You are a reflection

Craving a connection

Forgetting your defection


You are a piece of string

Easily broken, easy to fling

You have torn your own wings


You are concealed

Layers you have peeled

Have become your shield


You are an empty hole

Trading diamonds for coal

Who has blackened your soul


You are drowning

In a sea of flowers browning

On your way to amounting 


You are lost

Look at the people you have tossed

Your quest to find yourself paid the cost


You are a prisoner

Doing anything for a listener

Your past and present you is dissimilar


You are nothing to me

Just a drop in the sea

Carrying with you, your worthless plea

I have forgotten that the shadow is me

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Dont_punch_grandpa's picture


Just gorgeous 

"Some people die at 25 but buried at 75" Benjamin Franklin 

hopelessly-candid's picture

thank you so much ^_^.... I

thank you so much ^_^.... I really like your work! It's so sweet! :)

Beatnik1979's picture

Very powerful

The rhyme and meter were executed well, and the subject itself is one that makes  the reader feel a sence..

Loss of self , through the choices made in the painfull  process of self discovery?  Maybe its open to Interpretation....which in my opinion is great, because it means something different to each reader. 

 The unrecognizable reflection of current self, to past self, and the undertakings leading up to the discovery..

    Regardless of interpertation, it casts its own haunting shadow over  the reader.. Well done! 

allets's picture

Wise Words

There is a lot of wisdom here. - Lady A





hopelessly-candid's picture

thank you both very much :)

thank you both very much :)