
We're living in a society
that's totally blind you see
some claim life is but a mystery
but I fainly disagree
what is to come has been foretold
many years ago in a book
many search for truth in a garbage can
let the reader understand
some walk on broken glass
alaways looking for a quick pass
others foam at the mouth then bitch and pout
yet there are few that seek the real you
you came as a babe in the manger
then sought Herod to bring danger
to kill many of the young but you escaped the murder
you came onto your own and your own recieved you not
was baptized by John who was well pleased
in time you would climb with prominence to some
for many wanted to keep their sin
so they took it all in but then
dismissed you to the pigs
was tempted by Satan in the desert
but your never surrendered to his hidden desires 
instead insisted that he was a liar
as you were spit upon then thongs for no reason then the crucifixion
you still knew you had a plan
never gave up along the way
but instead asked the Father to stay
at last it was finished
it still wasn't over
for in three days you would rise
with no surprise you visited the waiting few for breakfast
you were there from the beginning as to the end
my faithful loving friend

S74rw4rd's picture

An excellent testimony. 

An excellent testimony.  Suggestion:  the line about Herod would make more sense if you put the verb "sought" after his name, rather than before, to indicate more accurately who was seeking to bring the danger.
