Holy War

Remembering 9/11

Holy War, a perverse name to say the least

If you have been there there is nothing holy about the beast.

Unless you count the holes in the dead,

Or those decapitated with no head.

Yet for some unknown reason they think to find glory,

What they find is a much different story.

Death is not pretty, no matter the face,

It doesn't matter where it comes or what place.

A life is snuffed out and the reaper moves on,

Taking with him the soul of that one gone.

To give ones life to save a brother

May be necessary, but I would drother,

Make the other S.O.B. give his life for his brother,

So I can return to my wife and mother.

Holy War? There is no such thing.

War is most unholy, it is satan's fling.

War is his most useful tool

To reap a harvest of misguided fools.

So don't call it a holy war, cause as you see it is not true,

War is satan's tool to capture us fools.

So don't be fooled by a dogma of death,

Tell them, "Up yours!" and take your next breath.

Just some ramblings that I hope you see,

Holy War defames God's name so it can't be.

It is just a war that no one wins,

But there is always some fool willing to start it up again.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just a strange thought that came to me.

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gentle's picture

"War is hell" so how can anything that comes from hell be holy.
Your point is so well taken & very well expressed. It is too bad the warmongers never listen.


Gentle is the night♥

jgupta's picture

Actually the soldiers can be easily used to fight natural calamities, disease, upkeep and constructives.. rather than killing another fellow human. The moment one kill another fellow human being he has lost the war just the one who got killed. Thus you are 100% right saying "It is .. no one wins."

Ernest Bevans's picture

Congratulation on your 100th poem.
This is a landmark worth celebrating.
Keep Writing - Keep the faith.
Keep fighting the Good Fight
(would that be considered a holy war?)

Bianca Boonstra's picture

Hundred poems, congrats! I have to agree with you...their holy war is just one large disaster :-)

Katie Power's picture

Wow 100, what an accomplishment. Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see what you will come up with next. Always keep writing, you have so much left to say.


Violet Carolina's picture

thanks for sharing. i can and can't make sense of war, depending. i know there are many things in life i don't quite understand or enjoy but some of them are needed. is war needed at times? for the very evil and twisted who can't negotiate? it is a thoughtful subject. thanks again.