An American Speaks Out PG-13

Going Off

You say "Americans" are rude and crass,

that Americans are crude and have no class,

Well, let me say this about that.

I am "American" born and raised

And Southern by God's good grace,

And I take exception with lumping us all in that same bin,

I guess that would make you a bigot my friend.

If saying what we mean, and meaning what we say,

Is crass, I will take that over abstraction and innuendo

Any day.

Pardon us for being blunt,

But we won't call a vagina a "Penile Receptacle",

But we will call it a "cunt".

For that you think Americans are a bit daft,

Leased we aren't so tight-assed, like some cultures,

That we are afraid to laugh.

Some people come to this country for the brass ring,

and of our milk and honey don't mind partaking.

They take the pledge to be an "American"

But take pot shots at us every chance they can.

So if you don't like what Americans are about,

I suggest you put your heart in, or get your ass out.

And while we are at it, let me say,

The only true Americans are the Native Americans, anyway.

My ancestors came from Holland and I am 1/16 Creek

So most "American" are nothing more than refugees.

Before you go pointing fingers about the class we got,

Just remember the U.S. of A. is just a big melting pot.

Our people came from over the sea,

To make this, the land of the free,

So come down off your high-horse

when your ride is at an end,

And walk with the common folk...

the "Americans".

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem has kept me awake for the last 2 nights so I figure I had better get it off my chest so I could sleep.  

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KindredSpirit's picture

I seen this on the side

And am glad I checked it out .

There is probably a lot of good writers out there

From back in time.

Liked the write and will have to read some more

Of your work.

But saying all that:  I have to say this:::

"  Americans  " give " America  "

A bad name.

Sometimes .


hhickson's picture

Can't judge the while by the deq.




jgupta's picture

Blunt projection makes it sharp! "Can't you see how mistakes are made through multiple misunderstandings of the real essence?" That was a good way to put forward your facts!

Jade M.'s picture

AWESOME...loved the part about a native livin on the rez in montana...nice to be recognized....sweet poem keep writin...

..::Jade M::..

hhickson's picture


Daughter is a potter in helena. She goes to the farmers market on Saturdays to sell her wares.



Patricia Bell's picture

I loved this..
Very hars, but so true and so to the point..
Very well said.
To the point and so well put..
I like it..

Shirley Roberts's picture

Well being part Cherokee,I say Hooray for this write.You did an excellent job saying what a lot of us feel.Well written!

Butch Lesley's picture

I say Huck, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel. You struck a cord here with a lot of good Americans. You just said what a whole lot of people are thinking. Amen

Malcolm McCaffery's picture

good stuff

Vladimir Andrianov's picture

Now I know what it sounds like when the true American speaks out! Good Job!
From Russian

Kristine Snow's picture

Right to the point! America was founded on the basis of religious freedom....and along the way, a lot of other freedoms have joined it....freedom of speech, thank God! I, too, hate it when someone professes to be an "American" and then takes shots at our country. Go back where you came from....and be persecuted.


Courtney Reis's picture

this is a great inspiration, I am an aspiring writer and its nice to see adults writing poetry critique some of mine please!