Life is Simple but not Easy

Life is simple, but not easy

I screwed up and you can’t forgive me

I made bad choices, my biggest regret

but im trying to fix it, and im not done yet

You have bad karma when you leave him, I see it as a sign

the universe and I both know it should stay just you and I

I don’t want this to be me, I don’t want this to define my life

I want to grow beside you, you my lovely wedded wife

Everyday is so hard, im outside your life looking in,

What I woudn’t give to have your heart, love, affection again

Ill love you forever Avery, I know its true,

I cant even begin to image a life without you

Your giggle, your smile, your fun and your hugs, you whispers and your shouts

I know these are things I cannot truly live without

If I could just ask you to look back at where weve been and what weve done, are you sure youre truly through;

I for one can still not image a life without you.

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