Silent ghost saunters

desolate, abandoned streets

lonely clouds hover


eerie dearth of city folk

orange flame the only hope




Author's Notes/Comments: 

A Matthew Rackham Barnes prompt.  A literary journal prompted poets to write poems based on the painting Noe Valley by Matthew Rackham Barnes.


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lyrycsyntyme's picture

It's fascinating to see the

It's fascinating to see the similarities and differences between the painting that produced such words from you, and the visuals that your words produced in me. I wonder how this compares to others who've read them, as well. I invisioned a glow from a garbage can or some rubbish burning, rather than from a window. Also, perhaps a more illuminated ground, as a result. Pretty cool to compare that to the actual painting that inspired your words.

georgeschaefer's picture

Thank you.  I like to take

Thank you.  I like to take random photographs and try to write.  This was a contest to write about the painting but I missed the deadline.  I still figured I would post the poem to the link.  I hope to do more of these projects in the future.

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Your poem sent me to the

Your poem sent me to the painting, and the poem is an excellent summary of the painting.

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

georgeschaefer's picture

thank you.  It is something I

thank you.  It is something I will probably try to do more of in the future