As I sit here, I look back and see what all I've done.
How much I've lost. How much I've gained.
I thought for so long that I was lost and alone.
I believed that You had given up on me, but now I see.
I see the truth...the truth is...You're the one.
Thinking to myself, these thoughts in my head
about all who are gone, and all who remain.
I hope daily that You'll take me home.
I believe that You'll never give up on me.
No more battles do I have to fight
because in You...the battle is already won.
I feel it now this power within me!
It's not to be used to hurt or maim,
but instead to Your holy name!
You are the one...the bridge to eternity,
and You'll never let me fall further than my knees!
Walking on this path I look back, feeling alone,
and in my most troubled times I see not two sets of footprints, but one.
It is now that I realize that I have never been lost,
but I am free from my sins...because You paid the cost!
This is where my new life begins, that's no lie!
Today the old 'me' ends, he has died!
Nothing can stand in my way with You in my life!
Satan will run away because, for me, You died!
I feel it somehow this power within me!
It's not to be used to hurt or maim,
but instead to Your holy name!
You are the one...the bridge to eternity,
and You'll never let me fall further than my knees!