I remember that
Wholesome feeling
And even today
I'm still reeling
From having her
Ripped away from me,
The vicious pangs
Of jealousy
And time has passed,
The wounds aren't fresh
But how she stood
Above the rest
Without her,
I'm little
Cause someone split me
Down the middle
Like a bow
Without a fiddle
And I became
Only half a riddle.
But this is now
And that was then
And someday soon
I'll rise again.
Liked it a lot! :)
Liked it a lot! :)
Copyright © JessterStarshine
That means a lot to me.
Also been loving your works. The sudden influx of 150+ poems gave me a lot of reading material
Hope In The Ending
I liked the tale told well and the ending on hope for recovery from loss - cool. ~~A~~
Glad you enjoyed it.