Through the Grapevine

Just because I'm smart
People say that I'm a browner
Just because I can be serious
People say that I'm a downer

Just because I'm different
People say that I am weird
Just because I'm bullied
People say I'm full of fear

I know that they don't know me
But in a small school word travels fast
Some guys tell their girlfriends
And their girlfriends aren't the last

At least there are no cliques here
All the social circles overlap
And if everything wasn't this way
I'd be put through much more crap

Only my friends know who I am
And what and how I can be
So if you're my friend be happy
Because if you weren't you'd never see
What type of person I am
That what they say it isn't true
That you've helped me out insanely
By simply being you

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