

You've left me lonely and scared,

I don't want to be either,

Torn and cast out, tired,

Rejected, though I tried,

I really loved you,

And now I don't want to,

The days slip away slowly,

But the thoughts of you hold firm,

Causing the anguish,

My love for you,

Prevents me from truly loving anyone else,

No matter how they deserve it,

My love has condemned me,

To a life of hopelessness,

Pain and sufferring,

I don't blame you because,

I know it's not your fault,

I blame myself,

For being foolish enough to fall in love with you,

For thinking anything could work out between us,

No, I wouldn't throw away what we had,

Because it brought happy memories,

Those are what hold me together,

Those bittersweet images,

The hours of talking,

About nothing at all,

I fall back to those.

~For Christian~

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