A Happy Ending


He climbed into his mustang,

And she watched him drive away,

A million questions running through her mind,

Wondering why he couldn't stay,

Her heart; it felt so empty,

Lying broken at her feet,

As the questions went unanswered,

She gave in and started to weep,

The rain feel all around her,

Her tears joining the raindrops on the ground,

She had thought it would last forever,

Her hope was nowhere to be found,

She sank onto the porch steps,

Wrapped her arms around her to keep out the cold,

Her lips beginning to tremble,

As she thought of what she's been told,

He'd said he didn't love her,

That he needed something more,

She'd been frozen in one place,

Wanting to ask why he hadn't said anything before,

He'd been the only one who noticed her,

Besides him she hadn't had any friends,

There were those people who had used her,

But those "friendships" had quickly come to and end,

She knew it wasn't any use,

To sit out alone in the night,

So she went into her room and locked the door,

Wrapping herself up tight,

Just then she heard the phone ring,

And she wondered if it was him,

She told herself she wouldn't answer it,

But after four rings she gave in,

Her hand shook as she reached for the reciever,

A quiet voice said hello,

I sounded familiar but she couldn't place it,

He said, "You may not remember me, but this is Joe,"

She quickly ran through the list in her head,

Of the people that she knew,

Then realized she had History with him,

Language and choir too,

They wound up talking for hours,

And suddenly things didn't seem so bad,

She went to bed with a smile,

Now she didn't feel so sad.

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