Glad God Sent Me You


And I was lonely, so lonely,

Just tired of being on my own,

I was holding onto feelings that died,

Because I was scared of being that alone.

So I filled that crushing loneliness,

With a prayer to God above,

"Please, Lord help me,

Let me find someone to love."

Now i knew there was something out there,

Somebody who was meant for me,

But right then it was hard to see past,

All the tears and misery.

So while I sat there in the darkness,

I sent out one more plea,

"Just bring me someone to hold,

Somebody who will complete me."

Well, I didn't expect it to get there that quickly,

Didn't think it would be answered this soon,

But it was, and I can't stop smiling,

I'm so glad God sent me you.

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lovely piece