Heron Clan Reading: October 17, 2021


Worry About My Heart


i worry about my heart,

I am worried about my heart,

Not the ticking,
The ticking,
The tick, tick, ticking
But the breaking,
The breaking,
The break, break, breaking,
Like glass

I hold it in my hand.

You? I offer,

Do you want it,

I ask?
How about you? Do you?

Do you want my heart?

I worry about my heart.

I am worried about my heart. 


As the Dragonfly Jumps


The dragonfly jumps, fear compelling,
    out of the damp leaves,
    as I stroll by unheeding,


Right straight pass my face, on flight
    like fairies in ole tales
    as I stroll in fascination,


Fascination at the light, that was hiding
     within the shadows like a game
     as I stroll through the dim.


I Was Thinking


I was thinking last night

How I wished it were the morning
Instead of the evening.
For if it were
The morning
Instead of the evening,
I'd be waiting for you
Instead of missing you.

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Lesson of the dragonfly

No, I have not watered my plants

I must tend to a garden

neglected... but not forgotten


Copyright © JessterStarshine