I Want to Join the Circus: For my Grandkids

2020 Gad Zooks

I want to join the circus,

I want to ride the pony,

I want to dance on the hiney

of a galloping horse.


I want to walk the high wire.

Ummm, no, I don't.


But, I want to join the circus,

I want to take the prat fall,

Join the clowns stuffing,

Into the mini bus.


I want to tame the tigers.

Well, maybe, not that.


I need to join the circus.

To ride on the elephant's neck

Feed him some peanuts

Then set him free.


I want to fly on the trapeeeze.

Oh, definitley not that.


I could tell your fortune

Outside the circus tent,

Pass a coin over a palm

I would hold to the light.


I could, walk the high wire.

I could, get a tiger to sit.

And, I most definitley could,

Fly through the air with,

The greatest of ease.


But, I'd never ever know you.

You'd be a blip in the crowd.

Simply a smiling face,

Flashing by.


So, here I will stay, I won't go.

I won't go and join a circus,

Save maybe the one, I imagine,

Commencing, in my mind.



Join me?











Author's Notes/Comments: 

A ditty came in my mind while I praticed scales.  I think its a song my grandkids would enjoy.  Maybe the poem cuz the tune left me Oh well.

So a suggestion was given that why give up the dream? in This era a woman should not give up her dream for a man. Find one that wants to share dream or has same dream. Funny that comes from a man I would love to join his dream but he wants to go it alone.  Sometimes the person is worth not doing the dream. That the dream is worth more dreaming than actually doing. 

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So Many Options

A fun sing - delightfully sung - to a forgotten tune. Definitetly no high wire or tigers.

ps in the mich news a tiger is loose in a city. 
How do you capture a tiger in Detroit?

Take all the tops off the sewers and it will fall in.