You Wish

You wish me to speak

    of things not me?

You wish me to look

    at the world through not me,

You think in an exchange

    I should never say me?

You believe that it always 

    comes back to me, 

The I, the mine, and it's




What else would a conversation be?


You say: When it is said,

Flowers bring beauty,

You say: I would say,

As beautiful as me?

You say: When it is said,

The rains fall softly,

You say: I would say,

As soft as my kiss,

You say: When it is said,

The sky is so blue,

You say: I would say

So true, so true, as

Is my love, for you. 


Hard to not fear the thoughts in your head,

To fear that they think of all, but my love,

Gone to the worldly, instead of the us,

The broad expanse devoid, of the you and the me,

That I circle each thought, each talk from your mouth,

To focus on me,

on my eyes

on my skin

on my hair, as it drapes

and falls, through your hand.


For the flowers bring beauty,

The rains fall softly,

and the sky is all colors,

devined by your eyes.

So, to please you:

   I will speak of things, not me. 
   To look at the world that sees, not me.
   To exchange conversations I have not lived,

   And never, ever say me, I, or mine.


What say me:

Do I please you, love of mine? 



Author's Notes/Comments: 

In conversation it Is been said I always bring it back to being about me. I say it is because I never feel I get a response to acknowledge so I keep talking. What else is a conversation but an exchange of ideas. Granted a good conversationalist listens And doesn't talk about themselves but there's a limit to that. read Heron Clan Zoom 7.27.20

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miguelhongkong's picture


Maybe he is not thinking of you as the one next to him, but as the world around him. Maybe he is living inside you and only notices the beauty of you from his feeling and not too bothered about the world outside ... which you expect him to share.

Maybe I am silly in my remark, but sometimes I feel that I enjoy living in someone's heart and world.

djtj's picture

Not silly

I wish he was living inside me how beautiful you thoughts are about living inside someone's heart. Unfortunately that is farthest from the reality here. This is a man that tells me his world yet never attaches it to me so I tend to compare and size myself up against people on his world trying to find my place. In truth I have no place. I've never been publicly acknowledged by him. And I need to let him go. 

word_man's picture

we all have to be ourselves

we all have to be ourselves

ron parrish

djtj's picture


So when I'm done talking about myself I bring the convo around to, "so...what do you think of me?" I font think I'm that bad. 

word_man's picture

everybody likes you

everybody likes you

ron parrish

djtj's picture


That is so sweet. Everyone wants to be liked love you too 

patriciajj's picture

I'm feeling this! A clever

I'm feeling this! A clever way to reserve your right to express what you will, be who you are, love who you are . . . There's a delightful touch of sass and self-assurance in your declaration: "What else would a conversation be?" 


A witty and enjoyable perspective. 

djtj's picture

Yes what else would a conversation be?

He says it always comes back to what about me or I did this, I did that. I tend to compare myself. I'm trying to think how a conversation would go if someone never told or related something to what they did or thought. A lecture? a ted talk.  It makes conversation stifled. I ( that word) do acknowledge someone statement especially in text first So they know I heard them.

thank you for seeing the sass! 

J-9thxciv's picture

The poem is a very intriguing

The poem is a very intriguing description of a common problem/question in human communication.

J-9thxciv [pronounced J Ninth Ninety-four]

djtj's picture


To be a good conversationalist is to be a good listener. But being a good listener doesn't move ideas along. So a friendly balance with acknowledging what someone says is best. I get frustrated when a statement gets no reply, especially in text. Can only use the excuse it was hectic A few times. You can always scroll up to see what you missed. Silence speaks volumes and I hear encyclopedias some times.